
CICS V5 CICSPlex System Manager Introduction – wm845gpl

Course #: WM845GPL

Duration: 1 Days

This course introduces you to the CICS TS CICSPlex System Manager (CPSM) and its components and functions.

The course provides an overview of the CICSPlex SM environment. It covers the CICSPlex SM requirements, with an emphasis on the functionality. It explains CICSPlex SM components such as the single system image (SSI), workload manager (WLM), real-time analysis (RTA), monitor (MON), and business application services (BAS). The course also covers the web user interface (WUI), design and use considerations, and other interfaces, such as the batch repository utility (BATCHREP), the CICS Explorer, and cloud enablement.

For information about other related courses, visit the IBM Training website:


  • Describe the capabilities of single system image (SSI) and single point of control and definition
  • Describe the functions that CICSPlex SM provides, such as CPSM operations, workload manager (WLM), real-time analysis (RTA), monitoring (MON), business application services (BAS), and application programming interface (API)
  • Describe the required CICSPlex System Manager infrastructure: CICS managing address space (CMAS), environment services system services (ESSS), managed application systems (MAS), and MAS agents
  • Describe the security facilities that CICSPlex System Manager provides
  • Describe the CICSPlex System Manager web user interface
  • Describe the use of CICSPlex System Manager for cloud enablement


This intermediate-level course is designed for CICS system designers, system programmers, and operations staff members responsible for planning, installing, operating, or managing a CICSplex with CICSPlex SM.


You should be familiar with the control facilities and intersystem communication facilities that CICS TS provides.


  • Course introduction
  • CICSPlex SM functions
  • CICSPlex SM components and interfaces
  • CICSPlex System Manager infrastructure
  • CICSPlex System Manager concepts
  • Course summary

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