IBM OpenPages: Core Team Fundamentals (7.4) – 1o300gpl
Course #: 1o300gpl
Duration: 1 Days
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This is an IBM ISDR course.
This course introduces IBM OpenPages customer core team members to OpenPages concepts, terminology, and functionality. You will gain an understanding of OpenPages object types, hierarchy models, object instances, and relationships between object instances. Sample business cases are incorporated into usage scenarios, demonstrations, and learning activities.
Please refer to course overview.
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This is an IBM ISDR course.
IBM OpenPages customer core team members
No IBM OpenPages GRC Platform experience is required.
Experience using basic browser functionality.
1. Basics
Object types
Object Model maps
Object instances
Parent-Child associations
Primary parent
Helpers, utilities, and triggers
2. Folder-Based Security
Security domain group
Security context point
Folder structures
Security domain group administrator
3. Users
User accounts
Authenticatoin and authorization
Disable user account
Lock user account
User reports
4. Role Templates
Privilege optoins
Denied and unspecified optoins
Role access controls
Role permissions
Assign user to security context point
AURA workbook
5. Organizational Group
What are organizatonal groups?
Group nesting
Group edit screen
Organizational group administrator
Group permissions
Using organizational groups
6. Navigation Overview
Explosre navigation methods
Personalize filtered list views
Personalize home page portlets
Global search
7. Editing Overview
Explore edit options
Grid view bulk update
Activity views
FastMap utility
Administrator tasks
8. Add New Overview
Add new launch points
Add new wizard
Detail view
FastMap template
9. Profile Overview
Public filters
Assigned object types
Home page tabs
Navigational views
Associatio views
Object views
Creation views
10. Record Level Security
What is record level security?
How it works
Security rule components
Rule restrictions
Rule access controls
11. Field Level Security
What is field level security?
How it works
Security rule components
Rule restrictions
Rule access controls
The AFCON workbook
Object type worksheets
Worksheet column definitons
Non-object-type worksheets