
Implementing PowerVC Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) – qzc35gpl

Course #: QZC35GPL

Duration: 3 Days

This course covers the concepts and implementation details of the software-defined networking and storage features of PowerVC on IBM Power Systems servers, known as IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI). Students learn to implement a PowerVM infrastructure with software-defined storage based on IBM Spectrum Scale using NovaLink in SDE-mode, and software-defined networking based on Open vSwitch (OVS). Methods for capturing, deploying, and managing virtual machines in a software defined infrastructure are also explored.


On completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Prepare Power Systems servers for a software defined infrastructure using PowerVC SDI
  • Install and configure a NovaLink SDE-mode partition on a Power Systems server
  • Install IBM Spectrum Scale in an existing PowerVC instance to create an SDI environment
  • Enable a VxLAN overlay network and define it into PowerVC
  • Manage an SDE (Software Defined Environment)-mode NovaLink server in PowerVC
  • Import an image into PowerVC’s SDI environment
  • Deploy a VM into the SDI environment
  • Manage a VM in an SDI environment


The audiences for this training include Power Systems and AIX/Linux technical support individuals, AIX and Linux system administrators, system architects and engineers, and pre-sales technical support staff who are interested in creating a cloud-enabled environment leveraging software defined networking and storage.


Student must understand base PowerVC and NovaLink concepts. Basic Linux administration skills are also required. These prerequisites can be met by attending the following course:
-QZC30G (Moving to Cloud with IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager), and
-One of the following Linux Administration classes:
•LX032G (RedHat Administration for Power Systems)
•LX041G (Ubuntu Administration for Power Systems)
•LX051G (SUSE Administration for Power Systems)


Day 1
Unit 1 - PowerVC SDI overview
Exercise 1 - Access lab environment and PowerVC
Unit 2 - NovaLink
Exercise 2 - Installing NovaLink in SDE-mode

Day 2
Unit 3 - IBM Spectrum Scale integration with PowerVC
Exercise 3 - IBM Spectrum Scale integration with PowerVC
Unit 4 - PowerVC SDI compute node management
Exercise 4 - PowerVC SDI compute node management

Day 3
Unit 5 - PowerVC SDI images and virtual machines
Exercise 5 - PowerVC SDI images and virtual machines
Unit 6 - Managing SDI virtual machine
Exercise 6 - VIOS Maintenance
Wrap up / Evaluations

Contact us regarding the training