
Overview of IBM Cloud Pak for Data for Administrators – 6xb103gwpl

Course #: 6xb103gwpl

Duration: 2.4 Hours

’Overview of IBM Cloud Pak for Data for Administrators’ is designed for associate administrators who want to learn more about the responsibilities of Cloud Pak for Data administrator and to understand why it is important to be familiar with the Red Hat OpenShift technology when performing this role.
The goal of this course is to provide an overview of administrative activities related to OpenShift cluster and to the Cloud Pak for Data platform itself.


• Introduction
• Introduction to the Amsel Corporation business scenario
• What is an Administrator of Cloud Pak for Data?


Administrators of IBM Cloud Pak for Data




• Introduce to the learning path for associate administrator of Cloud Pak for Data.
• Provide an overview of all the courses that are gathered under this path, their goals, and learning objectives.

Introduction to the Amsel Corporation business scenario
• Familiarize with the Amsel Corporation, a fictitious company that decides to introduce IBM software as a new AI technology solution.
• Familiarize with the Amsel Real Estate Corp that implements Cloud Pak for Data.
• Introduce the role of Cloud Pak for Data administrator and solution architect and the Red Hat OpenShift administrator.

What is an Administrator of Cloud Pak for Data?
• Define the role of Cloud Pak for Data Administrator.

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