
PowerVM with PowerVC – an36dgwpl

Course #: AN36DGWPL

Duration: 4 Hours

This is a four hour, intermediate level, self paced learning module that describes IBM PowerVC, benefits, how to transition to using it, and how it improves Power Systems virtualization management.


Module 1

  • Describe the history of PowerVM management
  • List common LPAR management tasks
  • Describe how the common LPAR management tasks are performed using the Hardware Management Console (HMC)

Module 2

  • Describe the historical challenges of creating a traditional PowerVM workload

Module 3

  • Compare the process of creating a PowerVM workload in PowerVC with that of the traditional HMC-based process

Module 4

  • Compare traditional PowerVM management tasks with the PowerVC equivalent tasks
    • Review examples PowerVM management tasks and their PowerVC equivalents
    • Creating a PowerVM LPAR using PowerVC
    • Start an LPAR
    • Stop an LPAR
    • Perform DLPAR on an LPAR
    • Perform LPM on an LPAR
    • Delete an LPAR

Module 5

  • Outline the benefits of introducing PowerVC management
  • Review the requirements to implement PowerVC
  • Outline the future of PowerVM management with PowerVC
  • Explain the next steps on the PowerVC Learning Journey


Current or prospective PowerVM System Administrators and System Architects.


Basic PowerVM administration skills. No IBM course prerequisites.


  • Traditional PowerVM Management
  • Challenges in traditional PowerVM management
  • Meeting the challenge with PowerVC
  • PowerVC management of PowerVM
  • Transitioning to PowerVC management of PowerVM

Contact us regarding the training