
IBM Global Mailbox v1.0.0.1 – 6f90gspl

Course #:

Duration: 4 Days

The IBM Global High Availability Mailbox master image can be used as a base image for any upcoming courses such as Global Mailbox SPVC course, clustered Sterling B2B Integrator courses, Global Mailbox with the IBM Control Center for High Availability.

This course trains students on Global High Availability Mailbox, usage, implementation of transaction through Sterling B2B Integrator server adapters and maintenance of the Global Mailbox application. The course also guides on troubleshooting techniques, export, import and report creations of Global Mailbox application.


After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Provide an overview of Global High Availability Mailbox.
  • Discuss the installation and components that are needed to set up Global Mailbox.
  • Use the Global Mailbox user interface.
  • Discuss mailbox services and event management.
  • Implement the transaction to access Sterling B2B Integrator FTP server adapter to access Global Mailbox.
  • Implement the transaction to convert the traditional mailbox into Global Mailbox using Sterling Myfilegateway.
  • Create Global Mailbox partners in Sterling File Gateway.
  • Implement the transaction to access Sterling B2B Integrator SFTP server adapter to access Global Mailbox through Sterling File Gateway.
  • Discuss the importance of Data Center management and split/brain theory.
  • Explain load balancers and its types supported in Global High Availability Mailbox.
  • Explain troubleshooting techniques, export, import and reports creation in Global Mailbox.


The intended audience for this course are:

  • Enterprise and Network Architect.
  • Sterling B2B Integrator Administrator


Awareness of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator functionalities such as:

  • IBM Sterling B2B Integrator and Mailbox services
  • IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Server and Adapter communication
  • IBM Sterling File Gateway
  • IBM Sterling Connect:Direct


The following topics will be cover during this course:


  • Course Overview (30 minutes)
  • Lesson 1. Global Mailbox Overview (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Exercise 1. Global Mailbox Overview (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Lesson 2. Install the Global High Availability Mailbox (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Exercise 2: Install the Global High Availability Mailbox (2 hours)
  • Lesson 3. User Interface (1 hour)
  • Exercise 3: User Interface (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Lesson 4. Mailbox Services and Event Management (1 hour)
  • Exercise 4. Mailbox Services and Event Management (1 hour)


  • Lesson 1. FTP Server Adapter Communication through Global Mailbox (1 hour)
  • Exercise 1. FTP Server Adapter Communication through Global Mailbox (1 hour)
  • Lesson 2. Migrate SFG Traditional Mailbox to Global Mailbox (1 hour)
  • Exercise 2. Migrate SFG Traditional Mailbox to Global Mailbox (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Lesson 3. SFTP Server Adapter Communication through Global Mailbox (1 hour)
  • Exercise 3. SFTP Server Adapter Communication through Global Mailbox (3 hours)
  • Lesson 4. Configure Connect:Direct Server Adapter for Global Mailbox (1 hour)
  • Exercise 4. Configure Connect:Direct Server Adapter for Global Mailbox (1 hour)


  • Lesson 1. Data Center Management (2 hours)
  • Lesson 2. Load Balancer (2 hours 30 minutes)
  • Lesson 3. Resource Tools (1 hour)
  • Exercise 3. Resource Tools (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Lesson 4. Troubleshooting and Enhancements (1 hour)
  • Exercise 4. Troubleshooting and Enhancements (1 hour 30 minutes)


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