
IBM OpenPages: Core Team Fundamentals (v8.0) – 1o305gpl

Course #: 1o305gpl

Duration: 1 Days

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please contact ***

This is an IBM ISDR course.

This course introduces IBM OpenPages customer core team members to OpenPages concepts, terminology, and functionality. You will gain an understanding of OpenPages object types, hierarchy models, object instances, and relationships between object instances. Sample business cases are incorporated into usage scenarios, demonstrations, and learning activities.


Please refer to course overview.

*** For inquiries and scheduling for this course,
please contact ***

This is an IBM ISDR course.


IBM OpenPages customer core team members


No IBM OpenPages GRC Platform experience is required.
Experience using basic browser functionality.


• Define ‘Object Type’
• Define ‘Object Instance’
• Recognize an object model map
• Explain parent-to-child associations
• Recognize the business entity overview
• Differentiate between the following
- Helper
- Utility
- Trigger

Contact us regarding the training