
Maximo Application Suite – Manage: Users and Security – max4327gpl

Course #: max4327gpl

Duration: 1 Days

This course provides students with an understanding of how to create new users in Maximo Manage and manage labor, crafts, and calendar records through specialized applications. We will also use conditional expressions and control properties to implement conditional security. There is also hands-on lab exercises using a Red Hat OpenShift MAS Manage environment.


After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Define these Maximo components: User, People, Security Groups, and Labor
  • Describe Manage Labor, Crafts, and Calendar records
  • Describe the use of Conditional Expressions
  • Show/Hide Screen Controls
  • Modify Control Properties
  • Implement Conditional Security


Consultants, System Administrators, Support, Sales, Users


Module 1: Introduction to Users and Security

  • Users and Security
  • Labor, Crafts and Calendars
  • Conditional Security

Module 2: Defining Users and Labor Users

  • People
  • Security Groups
  • Labor

Demonstration: Users and Security

Student Exercises: Lab 1 Users and Security

Module 3: Labor, Crafts and Calendars

  • Describe Manage Labor records
  • Describe Manage Craft records
  • Describe Manage Calendar records

Demonstration: Labor, Crafts and Calendars

Student Exercises: Lab 2: Managing Labor Craft and Calendar records

Module 4: Conditional Security

  • Describe the use of Conditional Expressions
  • Show/Hide Screen Controls
  • Modify Control Properties
  • Implement Conditional Security

Demonstration: Conditional Security

Student Exercises: Lab 3: Conditional Security

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